Denis's Lincolnshire Relatives

Created by Lisa 3 years ago

Dad was so fond of Lincolnshire, where his mum Edith was born and brought up in Marshchapel near Grimsby. 

He would spend time there as a boy and go and visit when he came back. I rememer him visiting when we were young and coming back with great tales of our northern relatives and Lincolnshire sausages! I've never tasted an authentic one but given a choice in the supermarket, I'll always choose Lincolnshire!

Here is a shot of some of the photos I found in an album of dad's. I know so many names and I think I know a good few such as my Nan's brothers and sisters Gertie, Phyllis, Charlie, Jim, Billy (sorry if I have left anyone out) and I think the lovely friendly looking man with the spade is his Uncle, who was 'Auntie Phyllis' (in Dad's words) husband.

Certainly the lady on the left in the only colour photo is Doreen, Dad's cousin, who he kept in touch with all through the years right up to the end. They were great friends as well as being relatives and shared a sense of humour and many stories and memories.

